Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Cuba and the rest of the world on peak oil crisis"

Cuba is a country where it is much closer to the equator, Cubans who live there are innate to their surroundings. If you take a cuban and tell them to turn off all the lights in their apartment and they tell other cubans to do so..they will intervene. Other the hand if you tell all the Americans in the world to do the same thing..they are going to say, "Well we are paying for it, why does it matter." People in North America do not realize the need for conserving electricity or other type of energy. Some may but the majority are innate to being dependent on other countries and just energy. We don't see as many people in the US gardening, foraging, cultivating or raising livestock and food to feed their families. It may be inevitable to do so in cold climates in North America but in other parts of the US this is possible. For example, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, and other warm parts of the US. People are lazy and they are born into a society that is all dependent on supermarkets and other means of supplies that we get either from other manufacturers or countries. It's sad to say that we as individuals cant do this but we need to change our ways. Cubans farm in their backyards, and most of their food comes from their gardens. The only thing that they have to probably buy from the supermarket is the rice. They ride bicycles and walk or take public transportation to get to where they need to be. In the capitals or big towns in Cuba, people have places to hang out. For example, they have places to play soccer for the children across the street, the corner store is a block away, the school is within walking distances, but for people who live in the country side have the option to spend more time to get to the nearest town or capital. The funny thought about it is that they do it anyway. If an american were to walk 5 miles to the nearest store they would not do it and ride in a car which is understandable because we have cars to it with, but Cubans ride bikes, walk, take the bus, or take the motorcycle. It's not too late to change our ways but people in America need to STOP BEING SO LAZY. I bet that Cubans work harder than the average American. This is how Cuba survived the oil crisis. They relied on solar powered panels and wind mills to generate energy for electricity. They also used sugar or food wastes to generate the powered plants for energy. They also used crude oil which is environmentally dangerous but this is how Cuba responded to the oil crisis.

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