As a child who attended the Earth school, i remember one of our special days that we celebrated being Earth day. This is a day that a lot of people are not aware that it does exist and this may be the reason why we treat our environment the way we do and why the earth may soon be in shambles. Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd, and this day was created to inspire awareness and appreciation for the planet we live on. It was founded in the year 1970 by a man named Gaylord Nelson who was in fact a senator of the united states. The symbol that u can see along this blog is the symbol for the day which is a combination of E and O representing environment and organisms. On this special day in school we were asked to plant trees, make everything natural, and were forbidden or at least try to not kill any creature. We enjoyed the earth and were taught it's importance. I believe if the world as a whole recognized this day and celebrated it like we do other holidays there would be a major difference in how we treated the earth and all of our natural resources.
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