Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Evidence of The Climate Change Continues....

More than 100 Antarctic icebergs are reported to be floating just south of New Zealand. These icebergs are thought to be part of one huge iceberg that originally broke off from Antarctica. The original iceberg is thought to be a massive 11.6 square miles! An expert scientist Neil Young, talked about the discovery and the fact that there may be hundreds of these icebergs floating around. He believes that there will be more of this sight down in New Zealand if our global warming trend continues. These icebergs are melted down over the course of time in the ocean, which is not good news for us. As these icebergs continue to break off the polar ice caps we are going to be in big trouble. The seas will warm and rise. There will be more violent storms. The climate will continue to change at an exponential rate. We must begin to change our lives for the better.
We could begin to change our lives for the better starting with goodguide.com. This website gives us the tools to make decisions on products we buy. Granted it is still a new database and needs some work. Eventually imagine the database containing everything we consume. Every product imaginable. We need something like this to help us make better decisions. For like we said in class, no one person is going to know everything about every product, but goodguide.com can bring all this information together and help us find out everything we need to know. We should start by purchasing items that goodguide has the highest ratings on for the environment and health. We need to begin to change our decisions to benefit our planet and not just ourselves. These ice chunks falling off Antarctica are only a telling sign of what is to come. I understand that goodguide.com cannot solely steer us towards a brighter, greener future without global warming, but its a step in the right direction. We need to make smarter choices in our everyday lives. Everyone needs to. We can't make a difference unless we work together. Imagine having humongous ice bergs breaking of the north pole and floating through the Atlantic ocean past New York Harbor. Its not that unimaginable. I think we need to change the way we eat, the way we consume and waste things. We need to be smarter about the way we live in general. I truly believe our generation is the one to start a change. We can spread information like wildfire and we must begin to. That is what this blog is about. To get our word out there. Have people know the reality of these issues. Make them realize that this is a serious issue.

Source: Yahoo News

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