Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alternative energy source: Electric power

Accroding to, 2007: Peak Oil - The EV Imperative, the solution for peak oil, is the plug in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This website states that electrical power is the way to go and it's very efficient. They talked about the United Kingdom and how only 15% of their total production of energy is required to run all the vehicles on the road, compared to 29 billion litres of fuel sold in the UK in 2001.
My opnion is a little different. The 2007: Peak Oil - The EV Imperative, says that the electric power is environmental friendly. It might be give off less pollution but it requires more eneergy to be put in than the output. What we need to do is limit the use of automobiles. We need to start walking, which'll also help keep us healthy. We need to start car pooling, which'll save us money and keep the environment less polluted. As mentioned in the Cartoon guide, we need to not be the nation of one car for one person. This reputation is going to lead us to the end. Smil highlights the fact that most of our oil resources today are on a negative slope and are requiring more energy input than ever before.
Rather than sitting around waiting for a new oil resource to just pop up, we need to start preserving what we have now. Or else before we know it, the prices for oil will shoot up again, and some will be making a decision of filling up their car or feeding their family.

1 comment:

  1. I made a typo, it was in Brown's chapter 2 that talked about the peak oil, not Smil.
