Tuesday, December 1, 2009


After class yesterday I was skimming through goodguide.com to see what the site really has. I was doing my background information and found that this website is not associated with any profitable companies.
I'm a vegetarian, so I wanted to see how many of vegetarian friendly products do they contain. People hear I'm a vegetarian and they automatically think I eat healthy. What I found was that they have an organic section, and also a vegan section. In this organic section, it started out that everything had a 10 rating. This was the only section that I saw 10s as a rating. Then as I moved into the pages I found that even the organic things aren't always the healthy choices. The vegan diets started our the highest as 8.1 rating. Normally one would assume vegan and organic would receive all 10s. The products that received 10s are the ones that were organically grown and just put into the market straight. The ones that received less than 10 rating, were the ones that were packaged (shop rite frozen peas and stuff). I would assume this is because of the transportation and it is not environmental friendly.
With this age of technology, I think a lot of people would use the iphone application, where hey scan the barcode and send it to this website. Then good guide will send you a text message giving you all the facts about the product and the company that is selling it. I think this is a great website, but it doesn't have all the items that one might buy, but it is expanding.

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