Sunday, September 20, 2009

Creatures of destruction

So far in class we have been discussing an important topic, Energy.  How much is being produced versus how much we are consuming.  In the films they discussed the fact that we have reached our peak of the most energy that we will be able to produce and now we have reached a slow decline but yet our consumption continues to increase.  In this day and age when technology and electronics rule our lives where will we end once nature has ran dry.  We continuously depend on cars and electronics and ruin our natural resources not realizing the importance they serve and without nature there will be no such thing as technology.  With a decline in energy leaves a decline in gas which without gas or fuel our cars wont be able to run.  Without energy how will we live.  What scares me is we are continuously warned about what can happen if we don’t try to make a change, if we don’t  preserve our resources but yet no one is making a change.  What will it take before we as humans realize how we are killing our habitat and slowly killing ourselves.  Because we are not immediately  affect by these changes yet, it’s hard for us to realize the consequences.  Many panicked when the gas prices continuously began to rise but once they went down we forgot all about our fear and continued to buy these SUV’s that eats up gas and leaves a huge carbon footprint,  We tend to forget that history repeats itself especially when we continue our actions without change. Many people forgot when there was such a little supply of gas that you could only get gas on certain days based on your license plate number, but because we walk around with the black sheet over our eyes and because we believe technology can and will save the world we continue to walk around blindfolded.  Now that we produce manmade energy we believe that yet again man has outsmarted nature and we can solve everything.  But guess what man doesn’t have enough power to make us all survive forever.

1 comment:

  1. i have to disagree that "we have not enough power to make us all survivve together". 6 billion can survive, 9 billion not so much. human ingenuity is limitless, we can devise solutions through science and technology. we just need the will to do it.
