Monday, September 28, 2009

What's so hard about making an effort?

In our last class discussion many of my classmates brought up some very good points.  Two points stood out in particular.  One was the idea of big companies using the technique of greenwash or green marketing.  And when another classmate who in fact works with trucking companies, brought about knowledge of how the trucking and delivering aspects really works.  About how much gas is being used and how little change they are making to help the environment.  I personally that many companies are using the green marketing technique to keep the customers from complaining and still using their products, with little effort of actually trying to please the customer.  I find it hard to believe that if all these companies were actually making a change to help their environment that we have made hardly any progress or change.  With as much money that these companies make off of us and as much as they claim to be making a change we should have had some kind of solution by now.  I would like to talk about the trucking companies and how their delivery process is being made.  I know these large tractors are driven for miles upon miles sometimes across the country.  And then once delivered it has been made aware to me that upon their destination they are there for hours upon hours with the engine running until they are finally processed.  There is various problems with this scenario, which includes the fumes polluting the air and all this gas that is being used.  And this is only within one delivery so just imagine all the damage being done with thousands of deliveries done every hour.  One solution is to change they delivery process, we often find in supermarkets where its labeled grown locally.  If we incorporate this idea with most of the supplies and resources we use that can cut the usage of gas.  Also if we plan the delivering process more effiicient, as to where the deliveries are spaced out and there is enough manpower to quickly move the products off the truck.  Also i believe there should also be a violation and a limitation on how much gas each company can use or emit on a weekly basis, with consequences of fines if they go over what is permitted.  And if trucking companies could invest in the development of hybrid trucks.  Though it can be costly if they slowly replace their trucks it is possible.  What's so hard about making some kind of effort? 

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