Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wasting Water

The lecture on Earths water was very informative. I had no idea that with all the water on Earth, such a small amount could be used as drinking water. It is a very scary thought that one day we will be in the situation with water that we are currently in with energy. The difference is that we cannot survive without water. It is ridiculous how much water is simply made dirty and wasted. Its not just flushing the toilet, its running the dishwasher, using the washing machine, taking unnecessarily long showers. I live with 5 roommates and in my house alone I watch an incredible amount of water be wasted. It is wasted running the water while brushing teeth, blasting the faucet while doing dishes, putting 1 pair of jeans in the wash. I thing the water issue is another situation where every little bit can help. If everyone was a little more conscious of their usage we could save so much. We are going to be very sorry for our wastefulness. I also like that the issue of water bottles was brought up. I cannot understand why people still buy bottled water. I find tap water to taste exactly the same. I also think water bottles are a huge waste of money and are unnecessary waste. I spent $9 on one of those metal twist top water bottles. It has paid for itself over and over again. Not only is it economical but it keeps water nice and cold. I encourage everyone to buy one.

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