Friday, December 11, 2009

I want my future to look like

This class this semester has profoundly effected me, I don’t want to come off sounding corny but I’m sincere in saying that I no longer look at the world around me in the same way. Just for starters I recently said to my husband that I don’t want our life to be one of consumerism, like having the feeling that we need to buy the biggest TV just because and we don’t need to feel like we have to have a humongous house to be happy in life. Five years ago I would never say something like that, five years ago I did want the 7 bedroom, 3 bath, house for four people. But college has changed my perspective of priorities. It is no longer a priority to consume and shop and work to the bone to support those habits. Its hard for my family to understand where I’m coming from, a lot of my collegiate associates get what I’m trying to say. For my husband this was a harsh realization that we will have to work hard at compromising about what I future holds and how we’ll meet all our needs. I want our future to be filled with satisfying work, like growing our own food and having an efficient farm and figuring out a way to become more sustainable, a sustainability that suits us. I’d rather splurge on energy efficient tools, like solar panels, than a 70 inch LCD T.V. with built in Blue-Ray. I’d rather build a small energy efficient home with a bit of land than buy a 300 sq. ft. house without a lawn. Somewhere between all of that lies a compromise that will suit our goal and pockets. None of this self realization would have been possible if I wasn’t exposed to many different ideas at college. .

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