Thursday, December 10, 2009

Vacation on a Farm

After hearing Professor Kleppel speak so passionately about his farm I became envious of his lifestyle. I realize that it is not all fun and can be a lot of draining work much of the time but he seemed genuinely happy to share his experience with the class. There is a certain glow you can see on peoples faces when they are talking about something that makes them truly happy and I could see that when he was speaking. Growing up in New York City I have sometimes longed for a simpler life. I think the farming lifestlye is something I would like to try for a while and possibly make a lifestlye out of. I can see how someone could get so much gratification from working for everything they have because I have held a job and supported myself from the age of 14. My parents paid the bills but I was raised in a house with 4 children and the mentality that if you wanted something that was not a necessity you had to work for it. I appreciate this ideal because I think it has prepared me for life in a way that my friends who never had to work for things are not. I had a huge sense of pride after saving my money and buying my own car when I turned 17. I felt a sense of responsibility and even though it was a crappy car I took care of it much more than my friends took care of the brand new cars their parents bought them. I would imagine that this same sense of pride is felt when you grow almost everything you consume. I found a place that allows you to take a vacation to a farm and live the lifestyle for a short period of time. I think that instead of a vacation to the beach this summer I might think about going to one of these farms to experience a different lifestyle. I think experiencing other lifestyles is one of the most interesting things you can do. For more information on these farm vacations visit

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